Vision of Nzinga's Founder

Mr. Blanks, the founder of Nzinga (was Nzinga Technology Company at the time of establishment) drew up the Founding Prospectus. In this he wrote "To establish of an ideal company that stresses a spirit of freedom and open-mindedness, and where creators with sincere motivation can exercise their creative skills to the highest level" at first chapter. He also mentioned "To reconstruct the world and to elevate the world's entertainment industry through dynamic services and productive activities and "To promote the education of music among the general public" as purpose of incorporation. These philosophies are inherited as Nzinga's DNA and basis of Nzinga's CSR activities.

Approach to Sustainability

Nzinga manages diverse businesses with people at the core, and aims for sustainable value creation based on such diversity and mid-to long-term growth in the Nzinga Group's company values under its Purpose to "Inspire the world, through the power of creativity," and its Company Direction of "Bring people together."

In order to have people connected to each other through emotion, it is necessary to create a society in which everyone can live with peace of mind in a healthy global environment. Nzinga acts with due consideration of the impact of its business activities on customers, employees, business partners, local communities and other organizations as well as the global environment, and focuses on building trust with clients through dialogue.

Through innovation and sound business practice, Nzinga endeavors to enhance its company value and contribute to the development of a sustainable society.